One Reason Why we Suffer
Tonight I wondered some questions that seem simple, but are not. Why is it we so often act to hurt ourselves, and increase our own suffering?
The first effect of suffering – simply feeling pain and sadness -- if truly accepted, then leads to a second step. Opening heart, the most natural response is self-comforting, to care about our sorrows, to simply open to our own pain. Perhaps the first reason why we cause ourselves suffering ,is to simply learn to love ourselves more, in comforting that pain.
We create this pain to give ourselves an opportunity for self-caring. The first object of learning to love is, of course, oneself. The way of open heart begins with compassion for our own pain. If we learn to love more, perhaps next time we'll be less likely to hurt ourselves, by thought, word, and deed.
Yet, what about all the children born into poverty or warfare? All those so innocent, so much harmed and damaged by human society? Their hardship is not some emotional self-conflict, it is not neurosis, it is truly at the hands of others.
And yet, what about karma, the idea of "higher self programming life-lessons" before we’re born? This is the idea of soul agreement, human experience pre-chosen for learning and growth, the plans made before we are born. It’s hard to imagine why souls would choose such a miserable life.
Yet, if we truly are souls, then even such painful human travail was planned from a higher dimension.
Perhaps for them too, from ancient karma we don’t understand, there is the same need, the need to learn or re-learn self-love, through the spiritual demand to experience a painful life. On planet earth, it seems suffering is the major catalyst to help us learn to love. It's a hard way to learn, for sure.
So I wonder, perhaps we all choose personal hardship to learn open heart. So we cause ourselves suffering -- to encourage ourselves to learn self-comforting. And thereby to open heart, learning what love really is, starting with ourselves and those who suffer with us.
Surely, we live in a world of great troubles, confusion, and strife. Thankfully, this life is not forever, it is temporary like a dream or bubble, a shadow of eternity, a dance we don't comprehend. When the dream becomes a nightmare, the first work is self-comforting.